Course Syllabus

Lesson 1: Introduction to SQL and Basic Syntax

  • Topic 1: SQL Basics and Overview
  • Topic 2: SQL Syntax Overview
  • Topic 3: SELECT Statement Syntax Overview
  • Topic 4: SELECT TOP/DISTINCT Syntax Overview
  • Topic 5: FROM Syntax Overview
  • Topic 6: INNER/OUTER JOIN Syntax Overview
  • Topic 7: WHERE Syntax Overview
  • Topic 8: GROUP BY Syntax Overview
  • Topic 9: HAVING Syntax Overview
  • Topic 10: ORDER BY Syntax Overview
  • Topic 11: OFFSET/FETCH Syntax Overview

Lesson 2: Advanced SELECT Statement

  • Topic 1: Aggregate Functions and GROUP BY
  • Topic 2: DISTINCT vs GROUP BY
  • Topic 3: JOINs and UNIONs
  • Topic 4: Subqueries and Nested SELECTs
  • Topic 5: Common Table Expressions (CTEs)
  • Topic 6: Window Functions

Lesson 3: Data Manipulation

  • Topic 1: INSERT Statement
  • Topic 2: UPDATE Statement
  • Topic 3: DELETE Statement
  • Topic 4: MERGE Statement

Lesson 4: Data Definition

  • Topic 1: CREATE TABLE Statement
  • Topic 2: ALTER TABLE Statement
  • Topic 3: DROP TABLE Statement
  • Topic 4: Constraints
  • Topic 5: Views
  • Topic 6: Indexes

Lesson 5: Stored Procedures and Functions

  • Topic 1: Stored Procedures
  • Topic 2: Functions

Lesson 6: Transactions and Locks

  • Topic 1: Transactions and Rollback
  • Topic 2: Locks and Concurrency

For each topic in the SQL course, we provide you with comprehensive learning materials that include video tutorials, examples, quizzes, and practice assignments. The quizzes are graded automatically, giving you immediate feedback on your progress. The practice assignments are designed to help you apply what you have learned and provide an opportunity for you to ask questions or address any concerns during our Zoom office hour calls.

In addition to the learning materials, we provide you with at least two projects that enable you to have a deeper, hands-on understanding of the topics covered in the course. These projects will be valuable during white board interviews or in your job as a data analyst.